Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Boys are a Trip!

So the guy and I are having some confusion and mis- information going on. I have an tendency to keep a rotation of guys. With me its feast or famine. Either 2 or 3 guys are interested at once or there is nothing. So I was telling him about the rotation. He thought that I didn't really want to spend time with him. Now when I told him about the rotation I also said that there was no rotation at this time. I said I will date more than one person but I will only sleep with one person at a time. After all if anything happens I need to know who is the baby daddy or where that rash came from.

When I told him this week that it seems like I haven't seen him in forever, he was like I didn't think that you really wanted to hang out with me like that. First thing I think is "you idiot" but for once the filter was on and I was like "don't be silly." Who am I seeing right now? I don't like having to deal with a rotation but I do that because I like to get to know folks. You never know who your "one" might be. If I make a commitment to one person then the rotation is done. If I am not committed to anyone why not date around as long as I am not sleeping around? He was the one who wanted to take things slow but when I do things he is always like "I know how you are, don't let the boys steal any kisses" or "watch out for them dudes out there who will be coming after you." Last night my Facebook status said "happiness is being clean and smelling like Ecstasy from Carol's Daughter." He calls me and was like " don't go telling people that boo" I'm thinking "why not?" but I say "why cause that is supposed to be just for you?" and he laughs and says "I just don't want your boy toys thinking they have a chance."

So what does all of this mean? Does he want something more serious or not? Is he interested in being exclusive or not? I just want to know where I stand. That will help me- and him- know what the next move is. I already know he is not sleeping with anyone else and neither am I. But other than that we just "hang out." I am about to be 32- which is too old to be "hanging out." Tell me what the deal is. Don't get possessive one day and not want anything serious another day.

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